Saturday, October 20, 2007


same thing happend. this time told daddy tht im goin to tha parkk. it was really gaii. uhh so me and brittney nd laura hung out most. we decided to go home . we were talkin bout how we dont wanna offend skye cuz shes white nd tht we can tell tht shes gettin mad tht we keep sayin white. well, she gotta understand tht were so used to tht. so we were talkin all white and dumb blonde. BRiiTNEY SED THE BEST THINGS HAHAHA<33 i love tht girl. she was acting like a serious dumb white blonde. lolsz we were all goin like, nd omgg hahaha. then me and laura kept talkin white then we hear a loud bang and we see britt on tha floor next to a stop sign. lolz. we near tha park and shes like wtf am i doin here my house is like in the other side of town! then she was like i g1g baii!! and she was running a dumb blonde wayy. i love herr<33
then me and laura go to the park nd see alanna there and adam and adams friend gabriel. adam slapped the kidd and the kidd was like cryingg. he threw a scooter at alanna and she was like, dont ever do tht again and grabbed him at 2 pressure points nd he fell to the ground. me and laura had to go so yeaa. i love me and laura and brittney!!!


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